Mexico, Chichen Itza, Riu Tequila

Mexico, Riu Tequila, Chichen Itza - Jan 31 - Feb 07, 2023

Mexico, Chichen Itza
We wanted to do this trip for a long time. Our all inclusive resort was situated on Riviera Maya, only about 190 km from the Chichen Itza site so it was our best opportunity to book this trip. The bus picked us up at 7:20 from the resort and then picked up more people from the ferry dock in Playa del Carmen. 

On the bus we were treated with pastries, fruits, coffee and cold drinks. Our guide Beto was funny, friendly and very knowledgeable. He told us that this was more a cultural tour so he shared a lot of information about Mexican culture, taught us few words in Mayan language and explained a lot about the history of Chichen Itza site in an interactive way.  He made us understand also the astrological reasons and meanings of building this Mayan site.

Chichen Itza was a large pre-columbian city built by the Maya people. This well known archeological site is considered one of the New 7 Wonders of the world and occupies 10 square kilometers in south-central Yucatan state, in Mexico. 





The whole site is full with vendors selling souvenirs and all kinds of goods and crafts. Together with the affluence of tourists every day make the site a very crowded place but we enjoyed it nevertheless.



After visiting Chichen Itza we stopped for a buffet lunch at a local restaurant. We were treated with a Mexican menu and also with dancing provided by Maya people dressed in their beautiful costumes.

Saamal Cenote

Our next stop was at the Saamal Cenote. The cenote is about 60 meters in diameter and about 40 meters deep and it is part of a commercial complex called Hacienda Selva Maya with vendors and a buffet, and facilities with lockers and outdoor showers. We decided that I would swim and Gabriel will take pictures. The time allotted for this stop was just enough for changing, showering and a short swim in the cenote. The life vests are mandatory and you have to pay 60 mexican pesos for one. The place was very crowded but the experience was so unique, I wish I had more time to swim in the cold fresh water surrounded by the little fish. As per our guide there are more than 6,000 cenotes in Mexico most of them located in the Yucatan peninsula.


If Chichen Itza was the highlight of this trip that doesn't mean we didn't enjoy the rest of the days strolling the beautiful beach and the activities at the resort. We had the chance to see a lot of wild animals, some could not be captured on camera but definitely in our memories. In the water we've seen a barracuda as big as Angela, some people getting scared of it, others like us, trying to get a better view (sorry no camera on hand).

This time the shows at the resort were very good, each evening a different theme performed at a high professional level



Like usually in Mexico, the food was very good, we enjoyed a lot of Mexican dishes and of course lots of fresh fruit


For us this was the best Mexican vacation, Riu Tequila a place where we would gladly return